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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Great Stories Come From Great Beginnings!

Hi Everyone! As you know, here at Huh?! Blog, we have been working hard to launch our trademarked “Huh?!”  brand. We believe in learning cool new things, exploring cool new places, and having fun. Especially if that new experience is so much fun that you shock yourself out of your routine.

That is what the “Huh?!” line is all about. Everybody gets in a rut sometimes. The “Huh?!” brand reminds you to try new things, explore new places, create new ways to have fun, and to pay attention to the wondrous world around you. “Huh?!” is the reaction that people have when they venture down the road less traveled. “Huh?!” Is The Difference Between Ordinary And Extraordinary! “Huh?!” Is The Cure For Boredom, Cause You Can’t Be Bored and Say “Huh?!” At The Same Time! 
It dawned on me that I am a perfect example of the "Huh?!" philosophy of "trying new things, explore new places, and create new ways to have fun." I was in a rut, so I decided to get that job on a cruise ship in Hawaii. That decision to radically change my environment led directly to my inspiration to create the "Huh?!" brand:
“After a long, challenging evening caring for guests at a high end resort venue in Hawaii, I encountered some difficult situations where some impossible tasks were asked of me. I did all that I could to accommodate my demanding guests. However, in my head, frustration brought choruses of “Huh?!™” screaming into my thoughts.”
“While I solved most of the dilemmas, when sleep finally came, my mind could not let go of the frustration that I had been feeling all night.  My dreams that night were equally funny and unnerving. I had work dreams; one lady asked for a dodo egg omelet (dodos became extinct in the 1600’s), and another lady demanded ‘real’ Buffalo wings (AAARGH!!).”
“After stifling about a million “Huh?!™”’s in my dream, I woke up laughing, actually uttering the word “Huh?!™”. It was then that I thought about how many people must be similarly challenged everyday, and that “Huh?!™” would look really good on hats, shirts, shoes, and other personal items (Yeah I know...random). So I got out of bed, picked up my credit card, and went online to Legal Zoom and Go Daddy to buy 3 domain names, to set up my company, and to trademark my brand (at 3:00am in the morning, on a cruise ship, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean!). Besides, now I own the rights to the word “huh?!” in a country where everyone says “huh?!” Perfect.”
We want for the "Huh?!" brand to be your partner in fun, exploration, laughter and enjoyment. That is our wish every time someone pulls on a shirt, hat, or a pair of shoes with that face on the front. Check out our early “Huh?!” art on Twitter and TwitPic. We’d love to hear what you think! Send us a tweet or e-mail us at Thanks!