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Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Secret Of Celebrity Success by Silveral

(While I was doing some research for the "Huh?!" inspiration project, I found this article, which will be of particular to all my great creative friends on Twitter. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Enjoy!- Hank)

Who do you admire? Why does the world take notice of them and not us? Do they have a common way to become a winner in their field? If so then what is the secret formula?


Winning celebrities all have a clear vision a guiding purpose a light at the end of their tunnel that keeps them going day after day on their path. These celebrities get what they want because they know exactly what they want. They can feel and sense it, they experience it in their minds and their hearts. They can see it in their minds eye and describe it as if it were there already there. Conversely most of us think that we will be laughed at, if we talk about what we want, we become afraid of looking foolish and stupid, instead we dare not to dream! Try to take a risk today and dream of your North Star, let it guide you on your path.


Celebrity Winners have another big secret. They surround themselves with winners. They find people that want them to win. They know that if you surround yourself with a core of talent then that talent can be focused. Top Celebrities find and develop a team to help them, a human ship with the celebrity at the helm. Winning celebrities acknowledge that cannot do everything themselves so they find and complement their talents with a good team to help move them on. They find team members who are successful in their own fields. Such a team may consist of , accountants, lawyers, publicist, and managers, make up artists, writers, producers and fitness/life coaches.

Aims for Life

Just like a business has a business plan, winning celebrities have a clear plan that they follow. They know what to do and when to do it with uncanny timing. However, they do this because it is in their plan. They are implementing this plan day after day. It may not be as formulaic at a timeline or a map but their own life plans works just as well for them. It shows the steps they have to take on life's journey to get them to their destination. Such a plan may be drawn up with the team supporting the celebrity. Each plan starts out small with baby steps. This ensures early success.

 As the celebrity becomes accustomed to their map and the steps, then more momentum is built up. This plan is nearly always written down. You often see these winners carrying a diary or a some sort or a flow chart that shows them were they are on their journey in life. I am not suggesting that you create a business plan for your life but rather create a written strategy that keeps you on your path and prevents you taking detours. With such a plan in place it is a case of following the plan and taking one planed step at a time.

Priorities and Goals

With a plan in place winning celebrities often organize themselves with hierarchical things to do. They are the type of people that get organized and have a sense of what has to be done first. They have a knack of knowing what is important and what is fluff. If a higher priority is being ignored they can drop everything a allocate their resources to priority one. Priority two, three and four are put to one side for later attention. If they find they are distracted with meaningless unimportant work they will stop what they are doing and get back to their top priority and get back to the plan and work on that priority and nothing else. Sometimes an even higher priority takes over e.g. your child gets sick at school, or you are suddenly involved in some sort of emergency on the highway. These things happen and winning celebrities deal with them quickly and efficiently. They then get back to their highest priority on their plan.


Winning Celebrities do not have room in their lives for denial, fitful fancies or fiction. They often deal with life like a child, in the moment, dealing with life as it comes day to day. Rather than setting themselves up for a fall by deluding themselves with impossible dreams they rely on what is do-able, and ignore what in not. When criticized as we all are they do not become defensible rather they absorb the input and feedback and treat it not as an attack on them but as away to improve. At the same time they are able to distinguish what feedback is useful and what is trash. Winning Celebrities know what they can do and what they cannot do because they remain truthful to themselves. No kidding and accepting impossible challenges. They just do their thing to the best of their ability. Their attitude is if I know the problems, then I can plan to deal with them.


Celebrities who consistently win sometimes take what I call missteps. Not mistakes but missteps. Just like a marathon runner who takes a wrong turn, winning celebrities acknowledge the error and self correct to get back on track. They do not waste time saying that they are a failure and get all upset about the misstep. Instead they get on with fixing the mistake, or misstep. These winning celebrities like the marathon runner who takes a misstep and goes the wrong way, they just let it go and carry on, getting back on track in the right direction. One step at a time. If they their path is blocked then like a marathathon runner who has come up against a hole in the ground, then they find a new path around the problem and carry on.


Winning celebrities who play to win always have a deep passion about what they are doing. Once focused they become excited about what they are doing. They get energized and eager to get on with taking the steps of their chosen path. To them it is the pursuit of the chosen goal that excites them. It does not become a job or another day at work it becomes their very existence. They are having fun. They can't wait to get to work the next day for this is who they are, this is what they are, and this is them. They love what they do and do what they love. They have a purpose, a passion a dream that they are living one step at a time day by day.


Celebrities are consistent winners who are willing to take risks. Do not misunderstand, this does not mean that they are foolhardy and reckless. This means that they take calculated risks. They go out of their comfort zone in order to succeed at new challenges. They take the plunge into the unknown. They leave behind the safe world of mundane existence and venture forth as pioneers in their field. They are they explores of life trying out new things. They find new ways to do what has been done before. They realize that people become legacy bound. "It's they way we have always operated our business" someone might say. A winning celebrity will answer. Can we do this any other way? Can we do the opposite? Can we change? They go against the crowd mentality, for that is where no one has been before. 

Warren Buffet made his fortune by daring to invest his money when others were fleeing the markets, he bought when prices were low. He knew prices would come back someday and he was rewarded for the risk he took. Likewise J.K. Rowling dared to write seven books about a child wizard, not one book like others would have done but seven books. The result was that Book publishers fought over this unknown authoress who scribbled in a cafe. Who could have thought that a totally unknown stranger could write a play script for a violent film and then make and star in it himself. Sylvester Stalone did just that when he wrote the script for Rocky. All of these celebrities have dared to take risks others would shy away from, they stepped out of the comfort zone and became winners as a result.


Winning Celebrities always take action. Because these people are not afraid of risk and because they have a do-able plan they are certain of their path. How many of us procrastinate and talk of what could be done. Winning celebrities get on because they do not procrastinate, they are just working their plan and prioritizing. Just like the Nike slogan, they "Just do it". The action that they take is not one off. Instead it is consistent and relentless, day in day out. They remain focused even if their initial actions fail to get results. This is because they know that in society rewards are not given up lightly. 

The winning celebrities mantra is if one action does the job great, but if it takes ten actions then fair enough. How many of us believe in the once in a lifetime action to fix all our woes. The Beatles did not write hit song after hit song as many people believe, instead between the band members, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Ringo Star and George Harrison they wrote and recorded almost 365 songs. Not 20-30 top ten hits as most people believe. The Beatles new they would be successful if they just kept on schedule.

In fact Paul McCartney kept a daily journal; in which he would write down what he was going to do that day. This was on top of all the other stuff like concerts and sound recordings. The work ethic was relentless, the rest is history.

Self Ruling

Winning celebrities know that the most important resource they have is themselves. Winning celebrities actively manage their physical, emotional, and mental well-being as they know how important such things are. They keep their life in balance, not becoming workaholics. They keep themselves from burnout as much as they can. The ones who do not are the ones who fall by the wayside and become another has been. Although I've said they all have an important passion that drives them on they also know how to keep this life passion in check. 

Winning celebrities will not languish in a job that is dead end, or stay in a sick and draining relationship. They take care of number one first, because it is they who are the one who gets the results they desire. They only get such results if they are complete in health both mentally and physically, not high on drugs or alcohol because they worked themselves into the ground. How many sixty year olds can run around a stage like Mick Jagger if they are not fit?


All of these qualities sound too much to some then tough. If you are one of those people who just gives up then I'm sorry you just will not amount to much in life. You are driftwood a loss going with the flow. If this sounds uncomfortable then that is great because you have just taken the first step and acknowledged your anger and realized you can be better. The great thing is that we all can have these winning strategies if we take the time to understand hoe to apply them to our own life. We to can become winners within our own field of expertise. 

Celebrities are just like you and me they do not have a monopoly on life skills nor do you. The very same skills can be found all around us. Try looking at school teachers, doctors, community workers and the countless others that do their thing. Following their chosen paths. One day they to will be great! Maybe you already do some of the things outlined above, then great.

Article Source:

About the AuthorSilveral Celebrity Observer.

Success is achieved and maintained by those who try and keep trying. W Clement Stone

Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Persistent Mind Prevails Over a Dormant One By Robert Strong

Through the ages of time we can all agree that the majority of the most persistent individuals have had the most success and the most impact on others. These individuals had a desire that the intensity level was one that which consumed them to a point there was nothing else, to a depth that there was no room for failure.

Their persistent mind took complete control over their every day interactions from when they got up to when they went to sleep, but still their sub conscious mind still articulated ways to succeed as they slept. They touched the lives of many and still continue to touch us today as their legacy is still talked about and studied today.

Learning from your failures
The persistent mind realizes that a failure is just a snapshot in time; it is not the end of all, just a step closer to success. The persistent mind continues to analyze the situation over and over again until any failure is turned into success. So many times we may know of people that try a new project, take on a new educational platform or a new hobby. We watch as these individuals struggle with this new addition to their life and hear them start making excuses and just give up.

 I have heard excuses like "I don't have the time", "it's too complicated ", "Johnny down the street tried it and it didn't work, so it won't work for me either". Although most give up, we have all witnessed the one or two individuals go the extra 500 miles that we nickname a "trooper", because they just don't give up.

As I write these words it reminds me of how we all had learned to walk as a young child, one step at a time. At the age of about twelve months we all started to learn to walk, while we did learn this once monumental task, it took time, we had the occasional fall but we were persistent. Why do you think we were so persistent; the reason is because we did not know what quitting was or that is was even an option for us, but aren't you glad you didn't.

We all started by lifting ourselves up, take a step and fall flat on our face or bang our head against a coffee table or chair, and oh boy did we get mad, this pissed us off enough to do it all over again. We continued to put ourselves through this torture because of our determination and persistence to be able to walk. Walking meant freedom, freedom meant possibilities; possibilities lead to success, and success leads to more freedom. So I challenge you to get pissed off and keep doing it over again until you are "walking".

After 12 No's why stop?
A great example of being persistent is John Grisham and how he started writing his first book in his part time after witnessing a testimony of a 12 year old girl. John spent three years on the title known as "A Time to Kill" once finished he submitted his work to roughly 12 different publishers, which none of them were very excited about the content, they turned him down. John was not going to give up, he knew he had a good story so he kept trying and he came across a publisher named Wynwood Press and they bought it on a whim and took it to market with 5000 copies.

This was a beginning of one of the most sought after authors that we know, his work is now known worldwide, and he has touched all of our lives with his many titles. He continues to fascinate us with his ability to write a good book and portray a world that you feel you are part of, just imagine if he would have given up after 12 no's?
Think about this, you may be thinking of giving up, but if you give up, there is the possibility that you are not only affecting yourself but others as well, maybe thousands or millions. John did not give up his passion to be a writer, just like him you have the ability to touch others lives, be persistent and don't give up.

The Battle of Thermopylae
While many of us know this story well, others have the look like my wife, not a clue if I was speaking a foreign language or named a body part; this is an historic example of courage and persistence against all odds. This is a story of a great army lead by a group of 300 Spartan's which were known for their military training and education that began at the age of seven. This great battle is known for the extreme odds, courageous mentality and persistence to protect their way of life. Around September of 480B.C. at the pass of Thermopylae they were confronted by an army of numbers in the millions, an army so large that whispers rolled through the hills in the wind saying they were unstoppable.

 An army so large that as they marched stories were told that it sounded like the gods destroying worlds that we have never seen just heard of. For a total of seven days the Spartans fought against odds that were never in their favor, except one; persistence, and they would have won this great conflict if it would have not been for betrayal of one of their own. Their story is still told and referenced today as one of the most memorable conflicts ever, and will continue to inspire each and every one of us to keep going even when the odds are stacked against us.

Persistence wears Resistance
We have all heard this saying time and time again, but many of us think about it differently. Every time I think of this saying or hear someone reference it I think of water on a constant drip on a bed of rocks, seems a little odd, yes I know but think about it. The drops of water are the persistence force that continues to strike against the bed of rocks (the resistance).If you find it hard to believe how water that continually strikes a rock will have any change, just look at the 1885 miles that runs from Colorado to Texas.

You got it, the Rio Grande is a prime example of water forming rock and earth with continuous persistence. Talk about not giving up, the Rio Grande has been forming for 100 million years, it doesn't get a chance to think about quitting and giving up, just like when we were learning to walk, a way was found no matter how long it took. While you may not 100 million years to build your business the philosophy is the same; never give up, even against the most unforsaken odds.

Don't dare tell me you are too old
While I am very reluctant in telling this next section I feel I have too as it is very relevant to this article in being persistent and not giving up. See I grew up having a very rough childhood, not having much, but feeling fortunate that I was alive and not in a position as so many other children were in third world countries. Since there wasn't much monetary support in or around my family, we went without many things, for example one of the most coveted gifts that a child could receive is a bike.

Well as I said money was not growing on our tree in the back yard so I went without a bike, without for many, many years. I never had the opportunity to learn to ride a bike until a good friend named Steven lived in a apartment below me and had a bike, he was getting bored riding by himself and asked me to buy a bike. As you could imagine the fear flooded my body, here I was in my 20's and never had the opportunity to learn to ride a bike, what was I to do? Lie to my friend, tell him I wasn't interested in riding with him and having the chance to hurt his feelings or tell him the truth, well I took the high road.

I told him my story and we went together and bought me a bike, we started riding around the neighborhood, then the park and then farther. While this was not an overnight feat, it was accomplished. It was accomplished because I was persistent and knew I wanted to learn to ride a bike and knew I could, also for all the people that could not ride a bike. I did it for them also knowing if I didn't use my abilities to the best of my ability I was being ungrateful and didn't deserve the opportunity.
 In telling my friend the truth and being persistent I learned to ride a bike and have a very strong friendship with Steven, we taught each other many things and am grateful for the experience.
While you may think you have no way of being successful, don't give up. You can be like the 97 percent of people that give up if they the odds are stacked up against them, or you can make a choice. A choice to continue until the end where you are successful and you have built a legacy as one that never gave up, as one who inspired others and gave back to the world in such a positive manner. As the late Confucious said "Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall".

Here are a few states of mind when it comes to Persistence:

Definite of Purpose - what do you want;this has been said by many to be the most important step in developing persistence. The how is never important, the why is what drives you and your surroundings, it drives your actions.

Desire – What you desire above anything else will drive the mind to a level of persistence that enables you to succeed, you will find with a strong enough desire that your subconcious starts articulating the how for you in a effortless way.

Self Reliance - Believe in yourself, believe you can accomplish the plan that will lead you to your success, without belieef in yourself you will most likely fail, and if you are like me failure is not an option. Believe in yourself and others will see the passion and believe in you alos and support you in your endevours

Definiteness of Plans - a plan is just as it sounds, a road map to success, while not all plans have the same depth of thought, it may be unreasonable, it is still a plan – follow it daily, this devolps persistence. If you have to change the plan thats fine but once changed stick to the plan, WARNING !!! Don't change your plan every couple days, give it awhile

Accurate Knowledge - Have you done your due diligence on the subject, have you studied the content, seeked out others perspective, studied the individuals that have succeeded around the subject. Don't take the stance of throwing stuff on the wall and seing what sticks, get facts. This will support your mind in beleiving you can succeed.

Cooperation – Be kind to others, believe in them, support them, cooperate and mastermind with them, treat others as they would like to be treated.

Will power - Everything you do should have some type of attatchment to what your plan is, if not you are wasting time, read your plan everyday, every night before you go to bed and during the day to keep the sharp focus you started with. Turn off that black box on the wall called the profit drainer!

Habit – What you do day in and day out forms your mind and how it reacts to stimuli. If you are reading an hour a day about good content, you are training your mind to pick up information about books and good content. You are training your mind to pick up on this information as it crosses your path, what you do everyday and what you train your mind to become important actually does become important.

Article Source:

About the AuthorWishing you everlasting success,
Your friend and mentor,
Robert David Strong
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